Beavers in Tents 2024
—————————————————– Updated 11th May 2024: This event is now fully booked
Lots of activities and fun for all Cambridgeshire Beaver Scouts to enjoy.
It’s also a great “taster” to encourage even more leaders to consider gaining their Nights Away Permit so they can enjoy loads more camping with their Colony in the future!
As always, Colonies can either book Fri / Sat or Sat / Sun:
BiT#1 – 6:45pm Friday 21st June through to 11am Saturday 22nd June 2024
BiT#2 – 6:45pm Saturday 22nd June through to 11am Sunday 23rd June 2024
Food, Ratios & DBS
- All food and activities are provided.
- The number of adults must be in line with the required ratios. You must have 1 adult to 6 Beavers plus the leader in charge; plus any others required for specific 1:1 care needs
- Young Leaders are more than welcome to join the camp but cannot be used to make the ratio. On the booking form there will be questions about dietary requirements. Please make sure this is filled out correctly.
- All adults attending must have a valid Scouting DBS.
- Give out the Permission to camp forms to Beavers/Parents (we don’t need these – you keep them for your records.) You need to adapt the form for either Friday (BiT#1) or Saturday (BiT#2) and add return dates to suit your needs.
- When you know how many Beavers, adults & Young Leaders you will have click on the “Book here” button below. This will take you to, “Eventbrite, a third-party site that we use to manage the bookings.
- Please only book the amount of tickets you intend to use for your young people.
- There will be a week of grace period for you and your groups to book and pay for the tickets after the grace period.
- If you have not paid for the places booked then they will be will have to be reallocated to those groups that didn’t get a place.
- As advised by the most recent email an additional fee of £2 will be charged for any leader above the Beaver Scouts ratio of 1 to 6.
Kit List
- Standard kit list for one night camping
- Leaders should bring a travel mug.
- Plus: everybody attending should bring an empty, clean jam-jar – this is for an activity in the evening.
Nights Away Notification form
- This needs to reach your District Lead Volunteer (District Commissioner) no later than 7th June, copying Sue Best (see below) in so that the organisers know that it’s been done.
- Please ensure that you use the latest (April 2023) version.
Do we need to provide tents?
Yes, you need to bring adequate tentage for you and the Beavers. Boys and girls may share if it’s OK with their parents and them.
Can we come along even if we aren't bringing any Beavers?
Yes, if you’ve never done anything like this before and you want to get some experience, come and join us, we’ll always find you a job ! In this case, please contact Sue Best directly at the email address below.
Do I need a camp permit?
No, the camp will be run under Sue Best’s permit.
Contact Information
All enquiries to: Sue Best, email: