Adult volunteers are at the heart of Scouting, and we hope that you will get out of it, every bit as much as you put in.
Scouting is not only about young people, but also about the development of our 2,150 + adults in Cambridgeshire. This happens as we scout and through learning activities. Don’t think of it as daunting, scouting is about teamwork and we’re there to support you every step of the way. This is your adventure.
Scouts Adult learning is personalised, flexible and accessed primarily through volunteer’s login. You can get the support of a learning assessor who will answer questions and check off your learning where needed. Its focus is on developing adults to be active and effective and feel confident. And to enjoy what they are doing.
![How our learning scheme works and how to access it](
How our learning scheme works and how to access it
![Growing Roots: The learning everyone needs to do](
Growing Roots: The learning everyone needs to do
![Branching Out: Further learning you can choose to do](
Branching Out: Further learning you can choose to do
In Cambridgeshire, we support the learning by running some skills courses locally (e.g. First Aid, residential experiences, growing scouting) and, we can also direct people to workbooks. Find out more by clicking the links below.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have to complete my learning?
All roles that require learning have 6 months from the start date of your role to complete the Growing Roots modules.
These all need to be completed before you can be invested.
How do I book onto a learning course?
All Growing Roots modules must be completed on-line. To access the learning you will need to:
- sign into This takes you into your personal membership record, then
- Select “My Learning”
- If the module you are looking for is not shown, type the module name into the “Explore Learning” space and click “search”
- Click on the module concerned to select and follow the on-screen advice.
There is a wealth of online and workbook learning material available, as well as a range of courses. To book onto an available course for team leader/team member/Lead Volunteer modules simply take a look at the list of learning modules available in Cambridgeshire and follow the link for the relevant course. You will need your membership number to hand.
If you can’t see a course listed then it may be possible for the Cambridgeshire Learning team to arrange one, especially if you have at least 6 people who require the same course, such as First Response (Module 10). Simply contact the Learning Team to see what can be arranged.
How did the modules completed prior to 7 November 2024 convert to the new ones ?
From November 2024 we started delivering our new learning, which replaces the Adult Training Scheme delivered since 2004. We’ve also replaced the Module Matrix with the new Learning Tree. Our new learning is made up of Growing Roots and Branching Out
All recorded Wood Badges and validated adult training modules needed in our new learning model migrated across (from Compass) to the new digital tool during November 2024. Any training modules not validated on Compass will not have migrated to the new digital tool.
You can see how previous training modules were mapped across to credit certain parts of the new Growing Roots learning by clicking this link to the HQ website. Please note that where multiple current modules are listed these must all be completed to credit the corresponding Growing Roots learning.
Can I see a list of the Learning modules available in Cambridgeshire?
From launch of the My Learning digital tool on 28 November 2024, The Scouts are developing its Branching Out learning. Until the new content is ready, some of our existing learning modules within the Adult Learning Scheme will be continue to be run in the county. For available County courses click here.
County run courses through the year include:
- Skills of leadership (Module 8)
- Working with adults (Module 9)
- Growing the section (Module 13)
- Residential (Module 16)
- Practical Skills (Module 18)
- International (Module 19)
Provided on request by the County Learning Team:
- Assessing Learning (Module 25)
- Instructing Practical Skills (Module 27)
- Presenting (Module 29)
- Skills for Residential Experience (Module 38)
- Mentoring and Coaching (Module 39)
Organised centrally by the East of England Regional Learning Team
- Manager and Supporter Skills Courses
If you don’t see a particular course you need then please contact the County’s Adult Learning Team.
What is mandatory ongoing learning?
Ensuring that we keep our members safe is a primary responsibility that all adult members have in Scouts. By regular updates of the appropriate learning, we ensure that our knowledge is refreshed and we can demonstrate this commitment. The regular completion of the learning is one method of mitigating some of the risks that we encounter within Scouts
It is your responsibility to make sure that your learning remains up-to-date and failure to update your learning before it expires may result in your District (County) Lead Volunteer suspending or retiring your role.
The Ongoing Mandatory Learning page (link) provides more information.
*It is important that all First Response (First Aid) learning is added to your My Learning record by your Learning Assessor, otherwise it won’t appear correctly. If you are not sure who that is please contact the County Learning team.
Which Branching Out (old Wood Badge) modules are available in workbook format?
As all Branching Out modules are to be be reviewed/updated by The Scouts during 2025, please email County Learning team to check the availability of a workbook for the module you are interested in as links to former workbooks have been removed from HQ’s website.