Updated 14/09/24
Support Team
The County Support Team is working behind the scenes to provide tools and resources to help Cambridgeshire Scouts function and maintain a positive image of Scouts in the local community.
The Support Team is led by Colin Daniels and David Briston who, as County Team Leaders and together with sub-Team Leaders and Team members, are responsible for the following tasks:
Colin’s Team
- Administration support through the County office
- Governance administration for the Trustee Board
- Management of Cambridgeshire Scouts County Office (in St Ives) and equipment currently stored at various locations
- IT equipment, MS Office 365 management
- Incidents and complaints
David’s Team
- Fundraising and finance administration
- Media & Communications and social media
- Website management
- Community engagement support across the County
These teams are in the formative stages following the County’s recent move to a new Teams-based structure. F
Further details will be added soon – where there is no link above