Young Leaders
Existing Young Leaders can find and book onto courses by going to the Learning Calendar and selecting Young Leader Training from the dropdown box.
If you are considering being a Young Leader please take a look at the information below, and then Get in Touch (for safeguarding reasons the person contacting us must be over 18). We look forward to welcoming you to the leadership team!
And of course once you turn 18 Young Leaders can then become an adult volunteer (Scout Websites: link to be changed to reflect new website layout), and join Network.
Who are Young Leaders
Young Leaders are volunteers aged 14 to 18 and choose to spend most, or all, of their time as part of a leadership team working with Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs or Scouts. It’s a fun way to share skills, develop new ones and to inspire younger members by being a great role model.
Anyone in this age group that is volunteering with the Squirrel, Beaver, Cub or Scout sections must be registered as a member of an Explorer Scout Unit. You can choose between the following 3 options:
- Volunteer as part of a section leadership team and become a member of the local District Explorer Scout (Young Leader) Unit
- Volunteer as part of a section leadership team and become a member of the local District Explorer Scout Unit, taking part in the weekly activities of that Unit as well as working with one of the younger sections.
- Volunteer as a non-member for a set period of time if you are working towards your Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards or King’s Guide Award (please note that whilst the D of E scheme has reduced the age requirement it is still currently a minimum of 14 to be able to volunteer in scouting)
What training is there?
All Young Leaders have to complete one initial training module within 3 months of starting. Module A gives a brief overview of scouting, as well as covering the key safeguarding and safety policies.
Everyone is encouraged to then make the most of the further training available, which will help you support your team and to grow into your leadership role. Just like with the adult training scheme you are then able to show that you have put these skills into practice by completing 4 different missions.
YL training is provided in the county either by Zoom or face2face – keep an eye open in the Calendar. In addition, you can now complete your Young Leader training via e-learning from Hampshire Scouts – Young Leaders.
Your achievements are recorded in your Explorer Scout Young Leader logbook, which you will be given when you complete Module A.
Adult leaders value the contribution made by Young Leaders. They also receive training and support to ensure that you, and the section you are helping with, make the most of your volunteering. Their support can be key to the decision you make at 18 about becoming an adult volunteer.
How can being a Young Leader benefit me?
Firstly being a Young Leader is great fun! You can help take the lead and deliver some amazing activities for the younger members, giving you a chance to help make a positive difference to your own local community. You do not have to have been in scouting before to be able to be a Young Leader.
As you progress through the scheme you earn various badges, certificates and awards – including one you can wear on your uniform if you decide to become an adult volunteer once you turn 18.
The role can help you outside scouting too, especially if you make the most of the training scheme – in fact if you then go on to become an adult volunteers it is externally recognised as a formal qualification through 3 different routes.
The skills and experiences you gain are invaluable, can enhance your CV and can be a real asset in everything from applying from college / university places to jobs. Not only will you have some great things to include in personal statements and on application forms but also some brilliant examples to use when answering interview questions, plus of course some ideal people to name as referees. Being a Young Leader really can help you stand out from the crowd.
Scouting is a national and global organisation, which makes it easy to continue scouting no matter where in the world life takes you and creates an ideal way to start meeting new people in your new community – whether that is when you go to University or move to another country.