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No matter what approach you plan to take, introducing a global angle into a balanced programme is a perfect way to broaden horizons, and forms an important part of scouting. Some global activities may of course be purely for fun, but all activities should be progressive and appropriate to the age range.

Scouts of all ages have a duty to respect the world around us, and to consider the way in which we impact on our local communities and our planet. This can be underpinned through a range of opportunities, within our section programmes and through a variety of UK and global projects. Through active engagement we aim to encourage current and future members to be helpful world citizens.

There are Scout Associations in 216 countries and territories, and everywhere the Membership badge is encircled in a rope to symbolise our unity as a scouting family within the World Organisation of the Scout Movement (WOSM)
Take a look at the information below, and then Get In Touch (Scout Websites – please update link to point to new page) for any further help or support.

Global scouting for young people – without leaving the country

Looking for ideas for international, environmental and global activities or games?

  • start with your young people and their families – some of them might welcome the chance to help you add an international flavour to your programme through culture, food, games, songs, language and traditions
  • take a look through the Scout Association’s Planning your programme resources
  • if your Section uses On-Line Scout Manager did you realise there are lots of activities, games and plans on there too? Just search for the one you like and add it straight into your term programme, badge requirements and all
  • if you use Facebook join your District group, join the Cambridgeshire Scouts group or search for groups such as such as 1st Facebook Beavers / Cubs / Scouts / Explorers

Please don’t forget if you have a great global activity or event you have run why not add it to one or more of those sites / pages / groups so that others can use your experiences to expand their programme too!

Taking young people abroad

All ages (yes even Beaver Scouts!) can go abroad, provided the right processes are followed and the correct permissions obtained – although it is often an experience more Scouts and Explorer Scouts take part in.

International jamborees for Scouts and Explorer Scouts take place around the world every year, although some are limited to local members or national contingents. They provide an ideal way to link up with others from around the world, and can often lead to “exchanges” between two contingents from different countries. Such events also give a great taster of the worldwide nature of scouting, and a greater understanding of the world we live in. WOSM also has information on such international events. Just take a look at one young person’s “view” of their amazing international adventure in 2019

You can also make your own arrangements for an international adventure with young people, either doing it all yourself or using a company that specialises in such opportunities for youth groups.

We suggest you start by taking a look though all the relevant information, and then Get in Touch so the Cambridgeshire Global Team can help with support and advice. They can also put you in touch with others across Cambridgeshire who might be able to share their own experiences too, to help you plan your own.

International opportunities for adults

International jamborees for youth members often seek volunteer staff to help make the events happen. These provide a great opportunity for travelling the world and meeting scouts from across the globe, which can often lead to further adventures. To help make funds go further, and to keep prices down for young people, most do charge some sort of fee – often to cover incidentals and catering.

Keep an eye on the calendar for such opportunities, which often open for applications a few years in advance. For example summer 2023 sees the World Scout Jamboree (in Korea) and summer 2024 sees the Roverway (in Norway).

In addition Network members can also take part in a 10 day expedition to earn their Explorer Belt as well as undertake a project of their choice within the themes of Peace, Environment and Sustainability Network members are able to gain their Scouts of the World Award

HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

Find out more
King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III