Young Leaders’ Online Training – Module A – Prepare for Take-off!
Location: Online
Book hereAbout this Event:
The training course is for Explorer Scout Young Leaders, prospective Young Leaders and DofE volunteers to cover Module A: Prepare for Take-off! If you are between 13½ and inc 17 and already are or considering becoming a Young Leader, you need to take this course.
Module A aims to give you the essential information you will need to perform your ESYL role safely.
The course will be presented via Zoom in accordance to Scout HQ safety guidance.
There will always be two adults on the training team in the online conference room to ensure safeguarding with password protection to enter the conference, to ensure we are keeping young people safe. The course will be 2 hours long with a short interval. We will be running the course on the 13 Sep 2023 between 7pm and 9pm. The course online is interactive, and theory based for which we highly recommend a minimum of a PC/laptop or tablet is used with a working camera, speaker, mic or headphones with a built-in mic.
Once this course is completed, a YLs Logbook and information cards in a pack will be sent to all of those who attended, along with the YL badge. For DofE non-member volunteers you will get a certificate of attendance and the information cards only.
The closing date for booking is 1900 on 11 Sep 2023
Any questions please do not hesitate in contacting me: