Wood Badge Modules 14 – Supporting Young People & 15 – Promoting Positive Behaviour
Location: Cambridgeshire County Scouts Headquarters, 3 Bramley Road, St. Ives PE27 3WS (see map below)
Book hereModules Covered
14:Supporting Young People – this module is aimed at all section leaders and other adults supporting young people in Scouting. It aims to enable adult volunteers working with young people, to understand and meet their needs
15: Promoting Positive Behaviour – this module is aimed at all section leaders and other adults supporting young people in Scouting. It aims to enable adult volunteers to proactively promote positive behaviour and appropriately manage challenging behaviour in their section.
About this event
This is a face-to-face session that covers both modules.
Further information on 14 Supporting Young People Further information on 15 Promoting Positive BehaviourCambridgeshire County Scouts Headquarters, 3 Bramley Road, St. Ives PE27 3WS
Cambridgeshire Scouts Adult Training Team: training@cambridgeshirescouts.org.uk